Watch Me Take The Bar |
This blog, originally started as a chronicle of my taking the bar, is now a look into the mind of an attorney in solo practice in Port Clinton, Ohio. |
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Eeeeegh OK, so, I think this morning I woke up and realized just what a complete hell this could ultimately turn out to be. Today is supposed to be the start of the cooldown that was supposed to be here yesterday. (It seems to have gotten lost somewhere that was nowhere around here, meaning it was thus damned hot.) I was looking outside and thinking about the joys of summer (I guess this was more a theoretical thought, since I won't be going outside anytime soon with these allergies.) But I was thinking about how nice it was that, once I got back from the law school, I wouldn't have anything I'd have to get done. Oh, I thought to myself, other than studying. Perhaps I can get it done quickly, said I. And that'll leave me the rest of the day. Unfortunately, I'm not that good. I don't get them done quickly -- I don't have the patience to do three hours in one sitting, usually, so it drags out into the early evening and then your day is pretty well shot. And anyone who says "oh, you only have six more weeks left" will be summarily executed. After I do another 50 PMBR questions. Edit: Almost forgot! The "Today in Twisted History" at Me4President2008 advises that today is the feast of St. Germaine Cousin, who is (I just must quote this verbage): "patron of seemingly disparate causes of female sheepherders & child-abuse victims."
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