Watch Me Take The Bar |
This blog, originally started as a chronicle of my taking the bar, is now a look into the mind of an attorney in solo practice in Port Clinton, Ohio. |
Saturday, October 08, 2005
More Fun with Freeper Follies You can tell Bush is doing a bad job when even Republicans are beginning to see how bad it is. Generally, this is what happened. There was a story posted on Free Republic about the difference between Costco and Wal Mart. It was pointed out that a cashier at Costco can make $44,000 within four years. This led, once again, to one of those delightful moments where conservatives talked about how much money is needed to survive, and one, at least, finally came to an epiphany. It started with a person whose name is azcap saying, "Somehow the economist in me tells me I am not getting the best deal at a store where the guy scanning bar codes and putting marshmallows in a sack is getting $44k." OK, so we've got the first rule of Republican shopping: Make sure they don't pay their people too much. This comment was responded to by a sensible Freeper named fabriclady: "$44k annually will barely put food on the table for a family. I live alone and I could not make it on 9.00 per hour. Babies need lots of milk and veggies. Unless you grow them, they are very expensive." And then, for the great closer line of the evening, by a fellow whose username is, and I swear I am not making this up, Rodney King. (His tagline is, "No, we can't all just get along."): "If that is the case, then vast swaths of the country are only barely putting food on the table." Congratulations on figuring that one out. Perhaps you could ask Our President to do something about it.
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