Watch Me Take The Bar
Watch Me Take The Bar
This blog, originally started as a chronicle of my taking the bar, is now a look into the mind of an attorney in solo practice in Port Clinton, Ohio.
Saturday, November 12, 2005

Children of the Eighties, Rejoice!

Are you sick of 3D, realistic-looking games?

Tired of your brother and sister thinking they're right IN the action?

Are you disgusted with the fact that today's gamers feel like they could be taken out at any minute?

Do you long for a simpler time?

Well, joy cometh in the morning. You no longer need to own an NES to play the original Super Mario Bros.

Just a java-script enabled computer.

Now, admittedly, the screen is ridiculously small and there is something not quite like playing Mario on your TV. And, using x and z in favor of hte A and B buttons IS a little different. But if, like me, you haven't played Mario in, say, ten years, you may get quite a kick out of this little site.

Of course, I've just gotten a kick out of being a bum today and doing nothing. Later on, I am hopeful I will be able to hook up my printer. But right now, I need to get really ambitous and run to the store.

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