Watch Me Take The Bar
Watch Me Take The Bar
This blog, originally started as a chronicle of my taking the bar, is now a look into the mind of an attorney in solo practice in Port Clinton, Ohio.
Sunday, November 13, 2005

Greetings from Columbus

Just wanted to let you all know I have made it to Columbus for the annual Ohio School Boards Association conference. They tell me that it is the largest school board conference/trade show of its kind.

Yeh, I don't care, either.

In any case, they do have some interesting discussions/panels. One of the ones I was particularly interested in is one on the effects of domestic violence on student achievement. Then there's a discussion on public records. Who knew you could come to a school board conference and learn about your law practice???

We are right down the street from Ohio Stadium and the campus of OSU. What better place to be for Beat Michigan Week? (Or, as they call it around here, BMW.)

With all the craziness surrounding this week, if you live in the Buckeye state, you may be irritated by the fanatics running hither and yon trying to convince you to pick a side. They have been known to create encampments in fans' yards. While the only way to rid yourself of a Buckeye fan is to join us in the wearin' of the scarlet and gray, I am pleased to advise you there is a way to ward off Wolverine fans.

Simply erect a goalpost in your yard.

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