Watch Me Take The Bar
Watch Me Take The Bar
This blog, originally started as a chronicle of my taking the bar, is now a look into the mind of an attorney in solo practice in Port Clinton, Ohio.
Saturday, June 25, 2005


So, I'm back in Port Clinton.

While I was driving down the turnpike tonight, there was a motor home in front of me. It was old and towing a white car behind it. In the back window, there was a little girl -- she can't have been older than four or five, waving at anyone and everyone.

Her eyes fixed on my car -- I drive a yellow Bug, yes, it's been pointed out on numerous occasions that is the "prototypical high school girl's car," but the price was right -- because kids seem to love Bugs. I waved at her, and she kept waving back. So, I honked at her, and she got a huge, heartwarming smile on her face.

Is there really anything that makes you feel better than brightening someone else's day? I don't think there is.

'Night, all.

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