Watch Me Take The Bar
Watch Me Take The Bar
This blog, originally started as a chronicle of my taking the bar, is now a look into the mind of an attorney in solo practice in Port Clinton, Ohio.
Monday, October 31, 2005


At the request of a fellow blogger who wants me to update...

AND who will be saying something about Alito, so she says, at any moment...

I pass on this information from a friend of mine who is a flaming liberal in all aspects other than being against legalized abortion. As she says, "this is scary for other reasons." From CNN:

"In 1991, in one of his more well-known decisions, Alito was the only
dissenting voice in a 3rd Circuit ruling striking down a Pennsylvania law
that required women to notify their husbands if they planned to get an
abortion. The Supreme Court upheld the decision, Planned Parenthood v.

This was overturned by SCALIA, for cryin' out loud. As my friend says, "So he wants women to ask men if they can do something legal? ouch."

OK, so, Alito needs to go.

PS: I have two posts in the "draft" pipeline I'm working on.

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