Watch Me Take The Bar |
This blog, originally started as a chronicle of my taking the bar, is now a look into the mind of an attorney in solo practice in Port Clinton, Ohio. |
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Blog! It's Good For Your Bar! When I started this thing, I could hear people saying, "That'll be a distraction from your studying!" I'm happy to report that it appears that blogging does NOT detract from passage of the par. In Ohio, so far as I can tell, it's 5 for 5. I passed. Linds, the first bar blogger I discovered, and one of the funnier gals on the planet, passed. Lawvlife passed. Chris Geidner, who has a pretty darned good site passed. OLS, who was worried she'd have to be a moderately upscale prostitute in Columbus, passed. (Although, a lawyer I know says the difference between a hooker and a lawyer is that a hooker just sells her body, a lawyer sells his mind.) Now we get to wait for Eve, TSC Girl and Glib Gurl. Eve & GG get their results November 18; TSC Girl is in NJ, where apparently everything is scored but they take a peculiar delight in saying, "We have your results but it's taking us a while to get them done and until then we aren't telling you when you'll get them." Hang in there ladies...there will be light at the end of the tunnel!
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