Watch Me Take The Bar |
This blog, originally started as a chronicle of my taking the bar, is now a look into the mind of an attorney in solo practice in Port Clinton, Ohio. |
Friday, August 05, 2005
Dispatches From Sugar Rock I'm back on Catawba for today and probably tomorow; I came back last night to attend the annual Ottawa County Democratic picnic. (Great turnout, great food, great people.) It was a lot of fun. On my way there, my brother called me. Now, he's the lucky first leg of the MRB I Survived The Bar 2005 Summer Tour, which hits Las Vegas next Thursday and then West Palm Beach the following Monday. Somehow, he got a gift certificate for an airplane ride, and he told me we had our choice of flying over the Grand Canyon's North Rim or the strip at night. We decided we'd like to do the Grand Canyon, even though I've done an airplane flyover once; and so he said he'd make the arrangements. So, I went into my picnic, came out, and had a message from Charlie. It turned out that it was a five and a half hour drive from Las Vegas to go to the Grand Canyon. So, we're doing the Strip Tour instead. Which should be pretty cool anyway. Meanwhile, Bob Novak, who has been referred to as the Prince of Darkness in some corner, is apparently losing it. And I'm not sure what it was he lost it over.
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