Watch Me Take The Bar |
This blog, originally started as a chronicle of my taking the bar, is now a look into the mind of an attorney in solo practice in Port Clinton, Ohio. |
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
The List Grows In what's been a rather bizarre, kinda tough day, I must say starting it out by going to Eve-Marie's site and reading, "Is there anything Michael can't do?" was pretty damn cool. I apparently touched a nerve with my list last night. Within an hour, TSC Girl had a post in which she added to it. Then, the perpetually nocturnal Eve-Marie added her own thoughts to it. The good news here is that, of the three of us, I get my results the soonest. At least Eve-Marie, while she must wait 'til November 18 (!), also has a firm date. Poor TSC is in New Jersey, where they release them in "the middle of November." They actually don't GIVE you a date. You just have to wait around. I'm very glad Ohio's not like that. Otherwise, I'd be going bleepin' nuts visiting the site to find out if I'd passed every ten seconds. (You think I'm joking.) My left-pinkie and index finger would be sore from hitting CTRL-R all the time. That's like Chinese water torture. How do I know I'd be like that? Because...and I blush to admit this...I am already visiting the site where results will be disclosed. Even though I KNOW Ohio NEVER releases their results early, as some states do. "Well, y'know," I think, "this might be the year. Then, when I go to bar association meetings in thirty years, we can all reminisce about how we were the only Ohioans who ever got their results early." OK, so, that's not gonna happen. So I should stop checking. Right. Got it. I must say, I'm not sure what I'd do if I found out Ohio DID release theirs early. As I've mentioned, I've got my own little ritual set up for the moment when I find out. If I had to suddenly discover it on my own and without any runup...that could be very ugly. And that leads me to a question I keep meaning to ask all you other bar bloggers out there: What do YOU plan to be doing when you find out how you did? Have anyone hanging out with you? One glass of champagne, one of arsenic? (just kidding.) All right. Back to trying to create a podcast. If only RSS didn't daunt me so much, and hosting the thing wasn't bothering me, and I wasn't going half off my rocker...
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