Watch Me Take The Bar |
This blog, originally started as a chronicle of my taking the bar, is now a look into the mind of an attorney in solo practice in Port Clinton, Ohio. |
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Greetings From Northwest Ohio, Where We Are Desperate For Summer. Apparently, Very Desperate So. It's, like, 47 degrees out today. This is the last cold day we'll have for some time; tomorrow it hits 58, and then we're into the seventies in the early part of next week. Now, for those of you out in California, this may sound like some sort of deep freeze, but for those of us who have survived yet another Ohio winter (although admittedly mild; it was usually only in the thirties), this is good news. I am quite excited about the return of warmer weather. So are some other people, it seems. I was getting hungry and didn't have anything in his condo that sounded like a good lunch, so I decided that, since I had to run downtown to get my mail anyway, I'd stop at the dairy queen for a sandwich (actually, two. I was hungry.) Now, you've been to a place like this, even if you've never been to Port Clinton. It opens in mid-March and closes around Halloween. It serves ice cream and ice cream based products, and if you really want it, you can get frozen yogurt, although they'll look at you a little funny when they order it. (So will I. It doesn't taste like ice cream and I'm glad that, after being all the rage in the late eighties, it's basically dropped off the map.) In addition, they serve any number of "real food" entries, ranging from the moderately inoffensive to your system shredded chicken to something called pizza steak, which I have never had the temerity to order (or, for that matter, ask what it was.) Anyway, I figured I would just pull up, order my shredded chicken sandwich and my barbeque beef sandwich and be off and gone. Imagine my surprise to find a line at the dairy queen. This is not a day for queuing, let me assure you. It's cold and it's windy and we're by the lake. Not a pleasant experience. And here was the thing of it: These people were actually ordering ice cream. Two or three. One woman came up, shivering, wrapped in a shawl an carried two or three off. Another van pulled up as I was leaving, full of people who are apparently so starved for ice cream, they didn't notice it was 47 FREAKING DEGREES OUTSIDE. Warm weather is coming tomorrow. Not, apparently, a moment too soon.
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