Watch Me Take The Bar |
This blog, originally started as a chronicle of my taking the bar, is now a look into the mind of an attorney in solo practice in Port Clinton, Ohio. |
Friday, November 18, 2005
DC Doings I got a rather sinking feeling last night when I was flipping channels and saw Congress was in at 11:30 PM on a Thursday evening. You see, it's become a hallmark of the current Republican leadership that, when they have an icky, awful bill (that's a term that can only be used by those with poli sci diplomas, understand), they do it under cover of darkness because, let's face it, their shenanigans wouldn't stand up in the clear light of day. So, when Congress works while you sleep, it's a pretty good indication either they shouldn't be working or you shouldn't be sleeping. In the meantime, the bill the Senate passed is under threat of veto from President Bush. What in the world, you might wonder, could finally spur him to lift a veto pen after nearly five years as President? The bill raises taxes on oil company. Oh, let that be his first veto.
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