Watch Me Take The Bar |
This blog, originally started as a chronicle of my taking the bar, is now a look into the mind of an attorney in solo practice in Port Clinton, Ohio. |
Thursday, July 21, 2005
quick update First, say a prayer for London, all, this is horrible. Its impact would probably mean more to me in other circumstances, and I'd probably be unable to turn off CNN, but frankly, I think this process emotionally callouses you or something. It's barzam or bust. That's horrible to write, but that's how it is. Cripe, I hope that's not how some lawyers get the way they do. :( Or at least, that I won't be one of them. Have had a pretty good day studying so far. I'm starting to think I might not completely completely completely suck on the essays, but am still a long way off from being where I would like to be in five days. In talking with my friend Kylie, who's in Arizona, her plan for the final few days is to review outlines this weekend and then look briefly at anything she thinks she doesn't understand Monday, and then stop. I have been advised and am planning to do nothing Monday once I get to Columbus (right now am anticipating getting there Monday afternoon), by multiple sources, including my friend Lindsay, who I think I've mentioned before got one B between Kindergarten and graduating from college (sickening, isn't it?), as well as BarBri people. If anyone else has thoughts on this topic, please, I'm interested to know. I also read somewhere some people tend to taper off a little on Sunday; not sure I'll be in a position to do that. Did find out hotel where I'm staying has an indoor pool. Definitely looking forward to that. My friend Carol pointed out that she has recommended a great bookstore in Columbus to me which I have not yet been to. I think I will go there Thursday after the bar is over to decompress before the drive back to Toledo. And stop at Schmidt's, if I don't stop there before. If either of those places will take someone walking around slack-jawed with this glazed-over look on his face. Feeling efficient, I remain, Michael
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