Watch Me Take The Bar |
This blog, originally started as a chronicle of my taking the bar, is now a look into the mind of an attorney in solo practice in Port Clinton, Ohio. |
Sunday, July 17, 2005
With Apologies to Woody Guthrie, JibJab, and Professor Pizzimenti As you all doubtless know, Woody Guthrie wrote "This Land." Jib Jab borrowed it for a hilarious send-up of last year's Presidential election. (If you haven't seen it, for the love of God, click on the link!) I always think of Professor Pizzimenti's (contracts, first year) discussing someone who was suing over a land dispute... This land is my land, This land's not your land Get off of my land Before I shoot you In any case, I've been having a dickens of a time remembering the duty owed in torts by landowners. It's tricky. (It's tough. It's...the Multistate. OK, I'm sounding like Feinberg again, just shoot me.) Anyrod, insofar as I had some success learning fee simple defeasible when I corrupted Ashlee Simpson into "Pieces of Fee," I thought this song just naturally lent itself to being a study aid. And I think it's already helping. (Note, I'm aware that some of the pacing isn't exactly right and the rhyme scheme is, in places, murky at best. I'm studying for the bar, not to become a lyricist. What do you want from me? Also, for the throngs of you who have written in with concerns about my mental health after this post, I'm not sure this is going to make you feel any better. In any case, I'm going to create another post in a moment and hopefully assuage some of your fears about my mental health.) This land is my land, I owe no duty If you’re discovered And highly dangerous And if it’s natural, That goes for everyone, For aritifical conditions, If you’re a licensee then, And simply dangerous, The same goes for conditions An invitee is If invitee, then Artificial or natural
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