Watch Me Take The Bar |
This blog, originally started as a chronicle of my taking the bar, is now a look into the mind of an attorney in solo practice in Port Clinton, Ohio. |
Monday, October 24, 2005
R-82 1/2 hours Monday. OK. Today, I managed to go, like, an hour or an hour and a half at work without even thinking about the fact that results get published FRIDAY. TalkaboutyerfreakyFriday. Fur Gahd's sayk. Last night. Dinner. My aunt, given to drama. "Oh, I hate that you have to go through this wait." For once, nothing overdramatic about that. Asked me how long. I told her, "Very soon." This is an upgrade from my pat answer of the past several weeks of "Soon." Instantly regretted it. This morning, I'm quite sure everyone around Oak Harbor has heard my aunt give special emphasis to it. "And I asked him...howwww lonnnng...and he said..." pause for deep cleansing breath...followed by whisper connoting importance..."very soon." I'm literally to the point that, after tomorrow and Wednesday, the next time I see my parents, I will be advising them of my success or lack thereof. I made a stop at the SUDL (Secure UnDisclosed Location) where I will learn my fate Friday morning last night after dinner to pick up a videotape. (The videotape, by the way, contained the "Breaking the Silence" documentary I mentioned a few weeks ago. I've just viewed it and have about a page and a half of notes I'll be sharing in blog form at some point this evening.) Anywho, the drive from dinner to the SUDL was somewhat hairy, not in terms of my driving skills but rather in terms of realizing that the date is no longer approaching but rather tearing at us in a damn-the-torpedoes-and-batten-down-the-hatches [hatchets?] terrifying sort of way. You know, how I get when I tap my foot and can't sit still. Anyway, Anonymous of the SUDL calmed me down. Her argument is that if I don't pass, it's just God's plan I continue to be Groceryman and review for a little longer and take it. And in those terms, I guess I can handle it. But, to be a bad little mortal for a moment, I'd really prefer if the plan has me taking the oath on November 7. I did remember something Whitebread said during Barbri over the summer. (BarBri. Just the thought of it starts sending shivers down my spine.) He said that there are three kinds of knowledge on the bar exam: The first level is knowing that you're in the forest and there are trees and which trees youc an and can't identify. The second is knowing all the bright-line rules and quite a few of the other rules. The third is knowing everything. He argued you just need to be in that first zone. Hopefully I was.
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