Watch Me Take The Bar |
This blog, originally started as a chronicle of my taking the bar, is now a look into the mind of an attorney in solo practice in Port Clinton, Ohio. |
Monday, July 25, 2005
My Dad Is, Can You Say, Awesomely Awesome? So, the hotel where I'm staying is somewhere I've stayed before and I was impressed with the large rooms. It's a little pricey, but my dad said, "Well, for the bar exam, you should go all out," and agreed to pay for my room. This was in June. Friday, I had him fax down his credit card information and stuff. OK, so, today, I drive down here. Now, I should say, the drive was what one of my friends would refer to as a "moment of grace." You know those days when you're driving along and there's NOTHING on the radio you like? It was like someone called them up and said, "Hi, could we do a mixtape for Michael on any station he wants?" Literally. Could barely touch the dial without finding another song I love. So, I got to Columbus and decided to try to navigate myself around to make sure I know where Veterans' Memorial (where the test will be) is. Now, that was one part of the experience that was definitely NOT blissful. First I did find my hotel, with telephonic assistance from Carol, who's like my Columbus navigator. Then, on to find Vets' Memorial, which is on Broad Street and over a bridge (yeah, just over a bridge, for those of you familiar with that story.) Well, I found Broad Street easily enough, but finding ACCESS to Broad Street was another thing entirely. Columbus has a ton of one-way streets, but they decided to make life more interesting by creating some streets that you can't turn on to from 7-9 AM and 4-6 P. Long story short, I had to go around the horn a bit to get there, but I did finally get onto Broad Street and found Vets' Memorial. OK, so I get to my hotel. Somehow, I find myself blessed with two suitcases, my laptop case and a bag from Meijer. Guy helps me with it, tells me valet parking is $19/day. Ugh. But, it sounded like the best rate I'd get. Well -- and my fellow bar examinees may not want to read this, I want you to still like me -- I get in to check in and guy behind desk says, "'ve been upgraded to a suite." I said it a moment ago, I'll say it again. My dad is just awesomely awesome. And now I gotta pass. But I have to tell you, if the experience stays as positive as it's been thus far, we're in good shape. :o) Now, with all this faith put in me, I simply must pass. I have no choice. Sorry, barzam, fail someone else!!!!!! BANZAI!!!!!!! BTW, in Eve-Marie's latest entry, she mentions how grateful she is for having blogged this experience. I add that. Fellow Bloggers, thank you and God bless you for the support and the laughs. Hang around, though...I don't think a bar exam would be complete without the agonizing wait we're all to endure. But you all are truly cool. But not nearly as cool as my dad. ;)
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